Estelle Lacombe, Anja Percival og Julie Schrøder

Fyns Grafiske Værksted har fornøjelsen af at vise en udstilling helt indenfor den klassiske tradition af kobbertryk, radering, ætsning og akvatinte. Tre af vores fantastiske grafikere, der er bidt af kobbertryk, har samlet en udstilling af små værker, som kan ses fra fredag d. 4. marts i Odense.

Selvom de alle tre har arbejdet med kobbertryk i den klassiske tradition, viser de alle en formidabel opfindsomhed i deres udtryk og diversitet. Udstillingen vil også rumme billeder af processen i forbindelse med tilblivelsen af et kobbertryk.

Åbning af udstillingen finder sted d. 4. marts kl. 14-16:00, hvor Julie Schrøder vil være til stede, og kan svare på eventuelle spørgsmål.


Fynen Printmaking Studio has the pleasure of showing an exhibition entirely within the classic tradition of copper print, etching and aquatint. Three of our fantastic graphic artists, bitten by copper print, have put together an exhibition of small works, which can be seen from Friday the 4th of March in Odense.

Although all three have worked with copperplate printing in the classical tradition, they all show a formidable ingenuity in their expression and diversity. The exhibition will also include pictures of the process associated with the creation of a copper print.

The opening of the exhibition will take place on March the 4th at 14-16: 00, where Julie Schrøder will be present and can answer any questions.


Estelle Lacombe

Estelle Lacombe practices engraving and drawing, she also produces artist’s books in limited editions, present in many public collections. She divides her time of life and work between Montpellier and Brittany.

Her images speak of a childhood climbing trees and observing the ocean, of daydreams in nature, she weaves relationships between the living, the human, the feminine, the marine environment, questioning our place in a world changing, its transformations, the relationships that are formed and unraveled there.

The wind, the passing of time, the tides, the sea leashes, the forests, the everyday objects… so many presences which nourish her and carry her in her artistic practice.

Julie Schrøder

I live in Odense and am a new member of Funen Printmaking Studio. I am fascinated by our nature, which is a big contrast to the man-made world we live in. One of the best things I can think of, would have to be the chance to go on a long walk, away from the city, the many people, and cars, and simply disappear into the beauty and comfort that is nature. I have a soft spot for trees, and I enjoy turning them into a print. There is something utterly majestic about – especially the enormous beech trees, that arises from the ground as pillars. Branches that grow in every direction possible. They are simply beautiful. My prints are often inspired by the photos I take from walks in the woods, by the beach, from island trips, etc.

Anja Percival

I am a printmaker, and I am fascinated by the different atmospheres that light creates in our environment. After living in Cornwall for several years during the beginning of my artistic career, I moved to Denmark, and my focus shifted from the textures and patterns of the coastal scenery towards the more ‘urban’ scenery within which I lived. My work during this time reflected lighting designs and cosy café corners found in Odense, and when I relocated back to Durham, I remained interested in depicting urban spaces that are infiltrated by different qualities of light. I still frequently focus on spaces that do not include the human figure… as movement would interfere with the stillness of the composition. My choice of subject matter is usually quite ordinary (e.g. the inside of my own home, or the scenery I pass daily on the way the work) but it’s the effect that light has within these spaces that captures my attention. I enjoy portraying aspects of our urban scenery that are usually overlooked… such as corners fleetingly illuminated by a setting sun, or intricate shadows moving across a wall that often go unnoticed.